
symon(8) manual:

SYMON(8)                    System Manager's Manual                   SYMON(8)

     symon – system monitor

     symon [-dtuv] [-f filename]

     symon is a lightweight system monitor that measures cpu, load,
     filesystem, interface, disk, memory, pf, pf queues, mbuf, proc and sensor
     statistics every 5 seconds. This information is then spooled to symux(8)
     for further processing.

     symon has been designed to inflict minimal performance and security
     impact on the system it monitors.  symux(8) has performance impact
     proportional to the amount of streams it needs to manage. Ideally symux
     should live on a different system and collect data from several symon
     instances in a LAN.

     By default, symon will drop privileges and chroot(2) to home of the
     _symon user.  This behaviour is not strictly needed for the cpu, mem,
     mbuf, disk debug and interface probes as these will work even when symon
     is started as nobody.

     The options:

     -d      Stop symon from becoming a daemon and show debug information on

     -f filename
             Read configuration from filename instead of /etc/symon.conf.

     -t      Test configuration file and exit.

     -u      By default symon will chroot(2) into _symon user home directory.
             The -u disables this behaviour.

     -v      Show version information.

     symon obtains configuration data from /etc/symon.conf.  The configuration
     file contains monitor stanzas that define what resources should be
     monitored and to which symux(8) the information should be streamed to.

     Multiple monitor statements are allowed. Whitespace, newlines and text
     behind '#' are ignored. The format in BNF:

           monitor-rule = "monitor" "{" resources "}" [every]
                          "stream" ["from" host] ["to"] host [ port ]
           resources    = resource [ version ] ["(" argument ")"]
                          [ ","|" " resources ]
           resource     = "cpu" | "cpuiow" | "debug" | "df" | "flukso" |
                          "if" | "io" | "load" | "mbuf" | "mem" | "pf" |
                          "pfq" | "proc" | "sensor" | "smart"
           version      = number
           argument     = number | name
           every        = "every" time
           time         = "second" | number "seconds"
           host         = ip4addr | ip6addr | hostname
           port         = [ "port" | "," ] portnumber

     Note that symux(8) data files default to receiving data every 5 seconds.
     Adjusting the monitoring interval will also require adjusting the
     associated symux(8) datafile(s).

     The pf probe will return data that is collected for the loginterface set
     in /etc/pf.conf(5).

     The Linux io, df, and smart probes support device names via id, label,
     path and uuid.

     The FreeBSD io, df, and smart probes support gpt names, ufs names, ufs
     ids and paths.

     The OpenBSD io probe supports device uuids.

     Here is an example OpenBSD symon.conf that monitors cpu, memory, pf,
     interfaces xl0/de0/lo0/wi0, disks wd[0-3]/cd[0-1], debug variables debug0
     to debug19 and streams that information to localhost on port 2100.

           monitor { cpu(0),  mem, pf, if(xl0), if(de0),
                     if(lo0), if(wi0), io(wd0), io(wd1),
                     io(wd2), io(wd3), io(cd0), io(cd1),
                     io(ccd0), df(sd0a), df(sd0d), df(sd0e),
                     debug, proc(httpd) } stream to 2100

     Here is an example Linux symon.conf that monitors cpu including iowait,
     memory, load, interface eth0, io and df for a set of disks every 5
     seconds. Smart data is to be collected every 60 seconds.  Disks in the
     smart and io statements are identified using ids, filesystem volumes in
     df using labels.
           monitor { smart(ata-Hitachi_HDS722020ALA330_JK1130ABABABAB),
                   } every 60 seconds stream to port 2100

           monitor { cpuiow(0), cpuiow(1), mem, if(eth0),
                   } stream to port 2100

     SIGHUP  Causes symon to read /etc/symon.conf.  symon will keep the old
             configuration if errors occured during parsing of the
             configuration file. Note that the chroot(2) may cause resources
             to become unattainable, most notably the configuration file

             Contains the program id of the symon daemon.

             symon system wide configuration file.

     Every monitored resource mentioned /etc/symon.conf gets queried.
     Mentioning, for example, cpu(0) twice for different muxes will result in
     two distinct cpu(0) measurement actions.

     The proc module is too simple: memory shared between two instances of the
     same process is simply counted twice.

     symon does not check whether all resources mentioned in /etc/symon.conf

     Willem Dijkstra <wpd@xs4all.nl>. Daniel Hartmeier helped to port to big-
     endian architectures. Matthew Gream helped to port symon to other BSD

     Port contributors: Marc Balmer, Tito Dal Canton, Matthew Gream, Daniel
     Hartmeier, Lars Kotthoff, Constantine A. Murenin, J. Martin Petersen,
     Fredrik Soderblom, Harm Schotanus and Martin van der Werff.

     Valeriy Leshchinskiy maintains a windows symon client at
     https://github.com/ValHazelwood/SymonClient .


Linux 6.13.5-arch1-1             April 4, 2012            Linux 6.13.5-arch1-1

symux(8) manual:

SYMUX(8)                    System Manager's Manual                   SYMUX(8)

     symux – symon stream multiplexer

     symux [-dltv] [-f filename]

     symon(8) is a lightweight system monitor that measures cpu, load,
     filesystem, interface, disk, memory, pf, pf queues, mbuf, proc and sensor
     statistics every 5 seconds. This information is then spooled to symux for
     further processing.

     symon(8) has been designed to inflict minimal performance and security
     impact on the system it monitors.  symux has performance impact
     proportional to the amount of streams it needs to manage. Ideally symux
     should live on a different system and collect data from several symon(8)
     instances in a LAN.  symux stores the incoming streams in .rrd files and
     distributes the information to connected listeners. Listeners can connect
     to symux on a fifo and receive incoming symon(8) transmissions decoded
     into ascii.

     symux needs no specific privileges besides being able to open it's ports
     and the rrd files. It should be run as nobody.

     The options:

     -d      Stop symux from becoming a daemon and show debug information on
             stdout. Use this setting to find hosts or specific statistics
             that do get sent, but are ignored due to configuration.

     -f filename
             Read configuration from filename instead of /etc/symux.conf.

     -l      List rrd files found in active configuration.

     -t      Test configuration file and exit.

     -v      Show version.

     symux obtains configuration data from /etc/symux.conf.  The configuration
     file contains one mux stanza that defines on what host address and port
     symux should listen to for incoming monitored data. There is a source
     section for every host that is to be monitored. The source section
     defines what data to accept and where to write that data to. In the case
     that a source is of another address family than the mux stanza, i.e.
     source = ipv6 with mux = ipv4, a listen port of the sources' family is
     opened using the unspecified address. Whitespace, newlines and text
     behind '#' are ignored. The format in BNF:

           stmt         = mux-stmt | source-stmt
           mux-stmt     = "mux" host [ port ]
           host         = ip4addr | ip6addr | hostname
           port         = [ "port" | "," ] portnumber
           source-stmt  = "source" host "{"
                          [ write-stmts ]
                          [ datadir-stmt ] "}"
           accept-stmts = accept-stmt [accept-stmts]
           accept-stmt  = "accept" "{" resources "}"
           resources    = resource [ version ] ["(" argument ")"]
                          [ ","|" " resources ]
           resource     = "cpu" | "cpuiow" | "debug" | "df" | "flukso" |
                          "if" | "io" | "load" | "mbuf" | "mem" | "pf" |
                          "pfq" | "proc" | "sensor" | "smart"
           version      = number
           argument     = number | interfacename | diskname
           datadir-stmt = "datadir" dirname
           write-stmts  = write-stmt [write-stmts]
           write-stmt   = "write" resource "in" filename

     Note that

     port    in the mux-stmt specifies the port-number for the udp port
             (incoming symon(8) traffic).

             is needed to distinguish between the same type of information
             (i.e.  io ) coming from different versions of OpenBSD. If no
             version number is supplied, the latest will be assumed.

             will guess filenames for all accepted streams.  write statements
             always take precendence over a datadir statement.

     Here is an example symux.conf that listens to udp port 2100 on lo0, and
     accepts cpu, memory, pf, interfaces xl0/de0/lo0/wi0, disks
     wd[0-3]/cd[0-1], disk free blocks of three partition streams from a
     symon(8) on localhost.

           mux 2100
           source {
               accept { cpu(0), mem, pf,
                        if(xl0), if(de0),
                        if(lo0), if(wi0),
                        io(wd0), io(wd1), io(wd2),
                        io(wd3), io(cd0), io(cd1),
                        df(sd0a), df(sd0d), df(sd0e) }

               datadir "/var/www/symon/rrds/localhost"

     symux offers received symon(8) data to other programs via a fifo. An
     example of a listener session:

           nexus:~/project/symon$ cat /var/run/symux.fifo



     The format is symon-version : symon-host-ip : stream-name :
     stream-argument : timestamp : data

     Data formats:

     cpu     Time spent in ( user, nice, system, interrupt, idle ). Total time
             is 100, data is offered with precision 2.

     cpuiow  Time spent in ( user, nice, system, interrupt, idle, iowait ).
             Total time is 100, data is offered with precision 2.

     debug   Kernel variables debug0 to debug19. ( debug0 : ... : debug19 ).
             Values are 32 bit unsigned integers.

     df      Disk free statistics ( blocks : bfree : bavail : files : ffree :
             syncwrites : asyncwrites ). Values are 64 bit unsigned integers.

     load    Load averages for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes ( load1, load5,
             load15 ). Data is offered with prec ision 2 and a maximum of 655.

     if      Alias for if2. See below.

     if1     Pre OpenBSD 4.3 interface counters ( packets_in, packets_out,
             bytes_in, bytes_out, multicasts_in, multicasts_out, errors_in,
             errors_out, collisions, drops ). Values are 32 bit unsigned

     if2     Interface counters ( ipackets, opackets, ibytes, obytes, imcasts,
             omcasts, ierrors, oerrors, collisions, drops ). Values are 64 bit
             unsigned integers.

     io      Alias for io2. See below.

     io1     Pre OpenBSD 3.5 io/disk counters ( total_transfers, total_seeks,
             total_bytes ). Values are 64 bit unsigned integers.

     io2     Io/disk counters ( rxfer, wxfer, seeks, rbytes, wbytes). Values
             are 64 bit unsigned integers.

     mbuf    Mbuf statistics ( totmbufs : mt_data : mt_oobdata : mt_control :
             mt_header : mt_ftable : mt_soname : mt_soopts : pgused : pgtotal
             : totmem : totpct : m_drops : m_wait : m_drain ).

     mem     Alias for mem2. See below.

     mem1    Pre symon 2.78 memory counters ( real_active, real_total, free,
             swap_used, swap_total ). All values are in bytes rounded to page
             boundaries. Values are 32 bit unsigned integers.

     mem2    Memory in ( real_active, real_total, free, swap_used, swap_total
             ). All values are in bytes rounded to page boundaries. Values are
             64 bit unsigned integers.

     pf      Packet filter statistics ( bytes_v4_in : bytes_v4_out :
             bytes_v6_in : bytes_v6_out : packets_v4_in_pass :
             packets_v4_in_drop : packets_v4_out_pass : packets_v4_out_drop :
             packets_v6_in_pass : packets_v6_in_drop : packets_v6_out_pass :
             packets_v6_out_drop : states_entries : states_searches :
             states_inserts : states_removals : counters_match :
             counters_badoffset : counters_fragment : counters_short :
             counters_normalize : counters_memory ). Values are 64 bit
             unsigned integers.

     pfq     pf/altq queue statistics ( sent_bytes : sent_packets : drop_bytes
             : drop_packets ). Values are 64 bit unsigned integers.

     proc    Process statistics ( number : uticks : sticks : iticks : cpusec :
             cpupct : procsz : rsssz ).

     sensor  Single sensor measurement offered with 7.6 precision. Value
             depends on sensor type.

     smart   SMART attributes ( read_error_rate: reallocated_sectors:
             spin_retries: air_flow_temp: temperature: reallocations:
             current_pending: uncorrectables: soft_read_error_rate:
             g_sense_error_rate: temperature2: free_fall_protection ). Values
             depend on drive model and may change between models.

     flukso  Average pwr sensor value offered with 7.6 precision. Value is a
             moving average and will depend on the number of measurements seen
             in a particular symon interval.

     SIGHUP  Causes symux to read /etc/symux.conf or the file specified by the
             -f flag.  symux will keep the old configuration if errors occured
             during parsing of the configuration file.

             Contains the program id of the symux daemon.

             The named pipe / fifo that transmits an ascii version of the
             incoming measurements.

             symux system wide configuration file.

     symux supports symon(8) clients that send

     pre OpenBSD 3.5 disk statistics.
             These streams should be identified as io1(<disk>) instead of
             io(<disk>) in /etc/symux.conf. Also note that symon(8) measures
             io1 or io2 depending on whether it was compiled on a host that
             supports version 1 or 2. The rrd datastructures of these streams
             differ and there is no easy way to change an io1 rrd into an io2

     pre symon 2.78 mem/if statistics.
             These streams should be identified as if1(<interface>) and mem1()
             in /etc/symux.conf. symon versions 2.78 and up will always report
             if2 and mem2 statistics. The rrd files for the old and new probes
             are identical and need not be changed.

     symux will output what version of information it is offered by symon(8)s
     on the network when started with the -d flag.

     symux writes incoming data to rrd files "in process". An rrdupdate on a
     somewhat stale rrdfile -- with the last data from quite some time in the
     past -- is a very expensive operation. This can cause symux to lockup
     while rrdupdate is updating the rrd file.  symux will be unresponsive
     during this process.

     Willem Dijkstra <wpd@xs4all.nl>. Daniel Hartmeier helped to port to big-
     endian architectures. Matthew Gream helped to port symon to other BSD

     Port contributors: Marc Balmer, Tito Dal Canton, Matthew Gream, Daniel
     Hartmeier, Lars Kotthoff, Constantine A. Murenin, J. Martin Petersen,
     Fredrik Soderblom, Harm Schotanus and Martin van der Werff.


Linux 6.13.5-arch1-1             April 4, 2012            Linux 6.13.5-arch1-1

Installation instructions for symon, also accessable as the file README.md inside the symon-version.tar.gz:

()                                                                          ()

       symon is a lightweight system monitor that measures cpu, load,
       filesystem, interface, disk, memory, pf, pf queues, mbuf, proc and
       sensor statistics every 5 seconds.  This information is then spooled to
       symux(8) for further processing.

       symon has been designed to inflict minimal performance and security
       impact on the system it monitors.  symux(8) has performance impact
       proportional to the amount of streams it needs to manage.  Ideally
       symux should live on a different system and collect data from several
       symon instances in a LAN.

       By default, symon will drop privileges and chroot(2) to home of the
       symon user.  This behaviour is not strictly needed for the cpu, mem,
       mbuf, disk debug and interface probes as these will work even when
       symon is started as nobody.

       symon has been ported to FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Linux.

       There are many system monitoring tools; what is unique to symon: -
       lightweight, aim is to get the data at minimum cpu cost - measure every
       5 seconds, this high measurement speed makes e.g. network burst
       throttling visible - can be used to feed real-time dashboards that show
       health of all hosts in a deployment

       Currently the suite consists of these parts: - symon - lightweight
       system monitor.  Can be run with privleges equivalent to nobody on the
       monitored host.  Offers no functionality but monitoring and forwarding
       of measured data.  - symux - persists data.  Incoming symon streams are
       stored on disk in rrd files.  symux offers systems statistics as they
       come in to 3rd party clients.  - SymuxClient.pm - generic perl symux
       client.  Could, for instance, be used to get the hourly amount of data
       that was transmitted on a particular interface.  - syweb - draws
       rrdtool pictures of the stored data.  syweb is a php script that can
       deal with chrooted apaches.  It can show all systems that are monitored
       in one go, or be configured to only show a set of graphs.  (separate
       package) - sylcd - symux client that drives CrystalFontz and HD44780
       lcds.  sylcd shows current network load on a specific host.  (separate

Building & Installing
       symux needs read and write access to its rrdfiles.

       symon needs to interface with your kernel.  Depending on your host
       system this leads to different privilege requirements:

       OpenBSD: - no privs: cpu, debug, df, if, io, mbuf, mem, proc, sensor -
       rw on /dev/pf for pf

       NetBSD: - no privs: cpu, debug, df, if, io, mbuf, proc - r on
       /dev/sysmon for sensor

       FreeBSD: - no privs: all - non-chroot on FreeBSD 5.x for CPU ticks in
       proc - rw on /dev/pf for pf and pfq

       Linux: - r on /proc/net/dev: if - r on /proc/stat: cpu, cpuiow - r on
       /proc/meminfo: mem

       all: - r on chroot/etc/localtime for proper timezone logging

   Real quick on OpenBSD
       Install binary packages using:

              pkg_add symon   # on all monitored hosts
              pkg_add symux   # on the loghost
              pkg_add syweb   # also on the loghost

       Or build from source:

              /usr/ports/net/rrdtool && make install) &&
                  make &&
                  make install &&
                  vi /etc/symux.conf /etc/symon.conf &&
                  ~symon/symux/c_smrrds.sh all &&
                  /usr/local/libexec/symux &&
                  useradd -d /var/empty -L daemon -c 'symon Account' -s /sbin/nologin _symon

       Note that the syweb package to show the data stored in the rrd files is
       a separate package.

Less quick, but all OSes
       • Install rrdtool on the host that will also run your symux gatherer.
         BSDs: cd /usr/ports/net/rrdtool && make install

       • Check Makefile.inc for settings.  Things to watch out for are:

         • PREFIX = Where does the installation tree start.  Defaults to

         • BINDIR = Where should the daemons be put, relative to $PREFIX.
           Defaults to libexec.

         • MANDIR = Where should the manuals be installed, relative to
           $PREFIX.  Defaults to man.

         • SHRDIR = Where are the example configurations to be installed.
           Defaults to share/symon.

         • RRDDIR = $RRDDIR/include should yield rrd.h.  Define SYMON_ONLY in
           the environment or on the make command line to render this mute.

         • INSTALLUSER / GROUPDIR / GROUPFILE = user and groups that install
           should use.

         • you can define SYMON_ONLY if you do not want to compile symux / do
           not have rrdtool installed.

         • symon/platform/os/Makefile.inc is read before Makefile.inc; define
           your vars in the environment, or in Makefile.inc with != to force
           overwriting the defaults.

       BSDs: Run make && make install

       Linux: Run pmake && pmake install || bmake && bmake install

       • Create an /etc/symon.conf for each monitored host and one symux.conf
         for the gatherer host.  See the manual pages on how to specify
         alternative configuration file locations, if necessary.  Note that
         there are example configurations for both in $PREFIX/$SHRDIR.

       • Create the rrd files where the incoming symon data is to be stored.
         $PREFIX/$SHRDIR/c_smrrds.sh and symux -l are your friends.  Note that
         syweb expects an .../machine/*.rrd style directory structure
         somewhere under /var/www.

       • Ensure that /etc/localtime is accessible by symon/symux.  Failing
         this you will get log messages in GMT.  Note that etc is chroot/etc
         when symon chroots.

       • Both symon and symux will daemonize if started normally.  Start them
         with debugging on initially to iron out any configuration problems:

                $PREFIX/$BINDIR/symux -d &
                $PREFIX/$BINDIR/symon -d

       • Remove -d flags and check system logs for any failures.

       • Only if you need the web interface: download and install syweb.

   Getting measurements without the web
       The client directory contains a perl module SymuxClient.pm that can be
       used to read measurements as they come in at the symux host.  A sample
       Perl program called getsymonitem.pl shows how to use the module.


              nexus$ cat /var/run/symux.fifo | getsymonitem.pl 2100 "cpu(0)" "idle"

       Historical data can be gathered using rrdfetch(1) from symux’s rrd

       This package was originally built as an OpenBSD application.  It now
       has support for FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux.

   My mental rules for extensions
       • Cpu cost matters more than storage.

       • Structures are not overloaded in functionality even if that would be
         possible memberwise.  Overloading = code can be understood in more
         than one way and that leads to more maintenance and bugs.

       • Defined values are not overloaded in functionality if possible.  Same
         reason as above.

       • Error messages carry __FILE__, __LINE__ if they are failed assertions
         and plain English if they can be attributed to the end-user.

       • Marshalling is hard.  Alignment is carried out by bcopy.

       • Support improvements of kernel structures by adding a new stream
         type.  Goal is to support both the old and the new, so that a
         deployment can slowly move towards newer installations without losing

         • add a new stream id with a postfix (i.e. IO2)

         • make old stream accessable via lex with previous postfix (i.e. io1)


Installation instructions for syweb, also accessable as the file INSTALL inside the syweb-version.tar.gz:


Requirements to show a graph:

- PHP: Language version needed is 7.4+.

- Program files: Download syweb-version.tar.gz from the website and
  copy htdocs/ and symon/ from the archive into ~www.

- Data files: Make your symon rrds accessable to php as run by your
  http server. Move them into ~www/symon/rrds and update symux.

- Configuration: Customise ~www/htdocs/syweb/setup.inc. The supplied
  setup.inc is intended for chrooted httpd using php-fpm on OpenBSD.

- RRDtool: Must be available in whatever web container you are
  using. E.g. for OpenBSD chrooted httpd, rrdtool must be available
  inside the chroot.

- Date & time: chrooted httpd may have a different idea of
  timezone. Add etc/localtime to chroot if needed.

Point your browser to to test the
configuration. This page will show if the application cannot deal with a
setting in setup.inc.

Point your browser to for the main page.

You can move index_noui.php to index.php if you do not need the ui.

RRDTool and chrooted httpd

RRDTool has a large number of requirements that it must be able to
access in order to run. This can require copying a fair number of
files inside your chrooted httpd.

- Dynamically linked libraries: find out using ldd rrdtool

- Dynamically linking kit: ld.so must be available inside chroot to do
  the dynamic linking, and must be fed a chroot adjusted

- Fonts data: a subset of fonts from
  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/DevaVuSansMono* must be available in a

- Font configuration: "fontdirectory" must be specified in chroot

And finally:

- sh binary: this is needed by PHP to be able to execute rrdtool.

All these steps are detailed for OpenBSD in install_rrdtool.sh.